PSHE (including RSE)
The Vision
At Pakeman Primary School the well-being and development of all children is promoted through the PSHE curriculum, which aims to give children confidence, build their self-esteem, encourage a sense of self-worth and develop their knowledge of personal, social and health development. At Pakeman we follow Islington schools’ PSHE curriculum called You, Me PSHE. Please click here to view the scheme.
Curriculum coverage
PSHE equips children and young people with the knowledge and skills to deal with a range of issues they will face as they grow up. It covers a wide spectrum, including: emotional health and well-being, sex and relationship education, nutrition and physical activity, drugs and alcohol education, personal finance and safety.
Pakeman PSHE knowledge skills vocabulary
As part of this curriculum we also follow a scheme of work called TastEd. Please click here to see our cooking curriculum overview.
How to help your child at home
All maintained primary schools must provide relationships education to all pupils as per section 34 of the Children and Social work act 2017. RSE (relationships and sex education) is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils, and, at primary age, involves learning about relationships.
The RSE curriculum is split into 2 parts: One that is compulsory and one that is optional.
It is compulsory for pupils to learn about the following:
Year 1:
Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense
Year 2:
Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
To understand and respect differences and similarities between people
To understand biological differences between male and female animals and their role in the life cycle
To understand biological differences between male and female children
To learn about growing from young to old and that they are growing and changing
To learn that everybody needs to be cared for and ways in which they care for others
To learn about different types of families and how their home life is special
Year 4:
To understand the way we grow and change throughout the human life cycle
To understand the physical changes associated with puberty
To learn about menstruation and wet dreams
To learn about the impact of puberty on physical hygiene and strategies for managing this
To learn how puberty affects emotions and behaviour and strategies for dealing with the changes associated with puberty
To learn strategies to deal with feelings in the context of relationships
To learn to answer each others questions about puberty with confidence, to seek support and advice when they need it
Year 5:
To describe the changes as humans develop to old age
Year 6:
To understand the changes that occur during puberty
To learn to consider different attitudes and values around gender stereotyping and sexuality and consider their origin and impact
To learn what values are important to them in relationships and to appreciate the importance of friendship in intimate relationships
The optional curriculum is only in year 6 (end of the summer term). Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children from this part of the curriculum. It includes:
Year 6:
To learn about human reproduction in the context of the human lifecycle.
To learn how a baby is made and grows (conception and pregnancy).
To learn about roles and responsibilities of carers and parents.
To learn to answer each others questions about sex and relationships with confidence, to seek support and advice when they need it.
To learn that contraception can be used to stop a baby from being conceived.
The form below enables all year 6 parents/carers to chose whether they would like their child to be part of the lessons or not. Alternative work will be given to pupils who are not participating in the year 6 optional lessons.