We aim to inspire excellence and raise the attainment of all our children in a positive, safe and nurturing environment, where learning, teaching and diversity are valued.
The ethos of our school is to provide every child with a happy, caring and supportive learning environment in which they can develop their full potential whatever their needs and irrespective of ability, race and gender. Children with special educational needs are offered full access to a broad, balanced, challenging and relevant education.
School Rules/ Values
School Improvement Priorities
We are proud of our school and what we do. However, we are not complacent. We are constantly evaluating our practice and provision to drive further improvements. We focus on a small number of key areas that we consider will have a positive impact on raising attainment for all our pupils. These areas are decided by analysing information that is drawn from many different sources e.g. pupil progress, achievement data results, teacher assessments, DfE & Ofsted reports, monitoring evidence, research studies, etc.
We use this information to set our whole school priorities for the academic year. Once we have decided on our priorities, our key school leaders develop action plans which lay out the steps we will take in order to meet the objectives we have set. This information is shared with all staff and with governors. The governors play a critical role in ensuring we regularly review our progress and work within our agreed timescales.
Our School Improvement Priorities are outlined below:
SIP with sucess criteria 2024.2025
These school improvement priorities link closely to our school curriculum drivers:
Our Pakeman Child
Our aim is to support children to reach their full potential and be the best that they can be.
Celebrating Success
We find that one of the most effective ways to encourage children to learn and to behave well in school is through praise and the celebration of their successes.
Achievement Assemblies
We have weekly achievement assemblies in which each class teacher and specialist teachers make nominations of children who have made an outstanding achievement, in either academic or social terms, within their class. Parents/ carers are invited to assemblies to see their children being awarded a certificate.
Class Assemblies
Class assemblies are held on Wednesdays. They provide an opportunity for children to show what they have been learning about in class and parents/ carers are encouraged to come along and join us.
Children’s successes and achievements are recognised in many other ways at Pakeman. Staff award stickers, positive points, silver and gold cards, hidden heroes and children are encouraged to share their good work with other teachers and the headteacher. As a result of this emphasis on praise for good conduct and effort, there is a friendly ‘feel good’ atmosphere in the school which visitors frequently comment on. Children are invariably smiling, enthusiastic and eager to learn.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
At Pakeman we take a whole school approach to the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural education as we recognise that it plays a significant role in children’s ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop:
- their own values and beliefs
- their own spiritual awareness
- their own high standards of personal behaviour
- a positive, caring attitude towards other people
- an understanding of their social and cultural traditions
- an appreciation of the diversity and richness of their cultures
Development of SMSC is supported through our school ethos, our behaviour policy and through all areas of the national curriculum.
British Values at Pakeman
At Pakeman, we teach pupils about British values which are defined as:
The rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect
Respect of those of different faiths and beliefs
These values are taught through Personal, Social, Health, Economic and Emotional (PSHE), and Religious Education (RE). We also teach British values through whole school and key stage assemblies, through our school ethos and through delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes and promotes these values. The school takes opportunities to actively promote British values through our whole school systems and structures, such as electing school leaders and running a successful School Council.
Actively promoting British values also means challenging pupils, staff and parents/ carers to express their opinions, show their understanding of British values through school celebrations, parent/ carer projects, PTA events and regular feedback surveys.
We encourage all of our children to be friends and to understand that while they may have different beliefs they can still share friendship.