At Pakeman, our curriculum is our purpose. It is the vehicle we use to ensure that pupils have the knowledge, skills and experiences that they need to be successful.

We believe that through the curriculum we can encourage children to strive to be the best they can be and to gain the confidence and self-esteem that they need in order to successfully make their way in the world. We want every child to develop a thirst for knowledge, a love of learning and to become curious, creative people with the ability to analyse the world around them.

Our curriculum is designed to be relevant, meaningful and personalised to meet the needs of our children and to provide a secure foundation of appropriate and relevant knowledge, skills and experiences to enable them to make connections between their ideas and learning and to use these in real life situations.

Our curriculum framework is based around 6 key drivers.


We believe that the core skills in English and maths underpin all aspects of learning. An emphasis is placed on the development of key skills in speaking and listening, reading, writing and maths to support children to become avid readers and confident communicators and mathematicians, ready for the next stage in their education.

We want our children to develop positive learning behaviours, working hard to reach the challenges set by their teachers and taking pride in their work and achievements.


With a high percentage of EAL learners, importance is placed on the development of spoken language skills.

There is a book-rich and talk-rich environment and emphasis is placed on ensuring children understand subject specific vocabulary and expand their vocabulary at every opportunity.

Staff use high quality questioning, model good use of language and encourage accuracy and precision in children’s use of language.

The curriculum supports children to take part in purposeful and constructive discussion to enhance their understanding, as well as providing a wide range of opportunities to speak in front of an audience.


We believe that children learn best when they are offered exciting, engaging, memorable and immersive opportunities.

Whilst our curriculum celebrates the importance of the local area, and local history, so the children have pride in, and understand, where they live, it also aims to broaden and enrich children’s life experiences, opening their eyes to opportunities beyond their immediate environment, igniting their curiosity and imagination and sparking their interest in all aspects of the world around them.

Our curriculum aims to provide pupils from different backgrounds with equal opportunities to experience people and places and cultural experiences that they may not have access to otherwise.

We are passionate about providing children with high quality play, outdoor learning experiences and opportunities to connect with nature and the natural world as we believe these opportunities help them to better understand the world around them, manage risk for themselves, increase well-being and support the development of the whole child.

Our aim is for children to become active and responsible citizens who participate fully and positively in current and future society.


Our curriculum has been tailored to take into consideration the varied backgrounds, needs and experiences of our diverse community and we use the curriculum as a tool to counter inequality and disadvantage in order to expand life chances, and increase social and cultural equity and mobility.

The curriculum helps to ensure that the needs of individuals and small groups are met within an environment of high-quality teaching, as well as within targeted, effective interventions where appropriate.

Our aim is to provide stretch and challenge so that our children develop the skills and knowledge they need to enable them to excel. We believe that the curriculum can support children to develop greater understanding and tolerance of others by supporting them to see things from different perspectives, to be curious and to question, to better understand and make sense of the world around them and to become active and responsible citizens who contribute positively to the local community and to society as a whole. Through our curriculum, we aim to raise aspirations, engender pride in achievement and provide opportunities for children to discover their own strengths, interests and talents.


At Pakeman, every child is recognised and celebrated as a unique individual. There is a highly inclusive environment and pupils at all levels are helped to access the curriculum so that they achieve their potential.

We want our children to thrive. Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do.  We are committed to creating a happy, caring and supportive environment, ensuring that there is a positive, supportive and inclusive ethos where children can flourish and achieve their personal best.

At Pakeman, we want to ensure children have opportunities they need to develop the key life skills that can often be taken for granted. Our aim is to support the development of the whole child, educationally, emotionally, spiritually, morally and physically in order to support them to live happy, healthy and productive lives.


At Pakeman, we are outward looking and constantly striving to improve what we do.

We are committed to working closely with others (parents / carers, the local community, other schools, the local authority, grant-makers, trusts and subject experts and specialists) to further enhance and extend our curriculum provision so that our children reach their full potential.

We are also committed to supporting our children to work effectively with others by giving them opportunities to develop the leadership skills and traits that they need for success beyond of the classroom.

If you have any questions about what your child is learning at school do not hesitate to arrange a time to discuss it further with your child’s teacher.



Pakeman Topics for each phase




If you would like further information about the curriculum, please contact Ben Sadler through the School Office.

Our curriculum is complying with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 about making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs.