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At Pakeman, we aim to give all children the opportunity to explore and to develop a deep understanding of the world. Our curriculum is designed to help children to think scientifically and to gain an understanding of scientific processes. It is sequenced so that children are building upon prior learning, with strands running across year groups and key stages to ensure depth and breadth of knowledge. Scientific vocabulary is taught and applied across lessons. The children learn about the life and work of famous scientists. We teach topics in an interactive, fun and memorable way including frequent practical sessions in our lab.

Children carry out investigations which involve the following enquiry approaches:

·         fair testing

·         research

·         observation over time

·         pattern seeking

·         identifying, grouping and classifying

·         problem solving


During these investigations they develop the following key skills:

·         asking questions

·         making predictions

·         setting up tests

·         observing and measuring

·         recording data

·         interpreting and communicating results

·         evaluating

The Lab

Our Science Lab gives children a space to explore, investigate their own questions and get hands on. Here the children experience exciting learning opportunities and enquiry-led investigations. The lab offers a fantastic space for children to be inspired by science and build their scientific skills, knowledge and understanding. In the lab, we host workshops, such as the Physics Extravaganza, to inspire the children and create scientists for the future!

Physics extravaganza


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Science For Life

We are members of Science for Life Hub, a professional learning community based in Islington. We participate in half termly Hub meetings, collaborative events and CPD opportunities as we work together to develop science teaching, learning and enrichment in our network of schools.

Science for Life website

Early Years and the Foundation Stage

From an early age children ask the question ‘Why?’. As parents and teachers we may not always have the answers to these questions but it can be fun trying to find out and make sense of what is happening all around us. Children in the nursery learn through science every day. We have a great outside learning environment which has a large digging, sandpit and growing area. This helps the children actively learn and investigate.

Key Stage 1 and 2

Our curriculum has science embedded throughout. We teach science in a creative way. Our curriculum is taught using science topics where children are encouraged to actively engage in science through investigations and practical lessons. Children are encouraged to think scientifically from an early age by carrying out a variety of investigations.