Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Please click below for staff roles and responsibilities.

Roles and responsibilities


Please click below for the line management staffing map.

Line Management Structure


Please note that for safety reasons children are not permitted to wear jewellery at school. Plain stud earrings are allowed.

Click Uniform Policy September 2024 for our School uniform policy

Lost Property

Enquiries about lost items should be made to the office or staff in the playground. Lost property is stored in the school office.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones are NOT permitted in school. Any children bringing phones to school for travel purposes must hand them in to the school office at the beginning of the day.

Medicines in school

Medicines must be handed in to the school office each morning and collected when needed. All medicines, ointments and inhalers must be clearly labelled with the child’s name and the dose. A form is available from the school office that needs to be signed by a parent/ carer on which we ask you to provide full instructions for the administration of any medicine.

Children who become ill in school will be cared for and comforted until you can collect them. Please make sure that the school has your telephone number as well as a second contact number in case of an emergency.