What We Do
Alongside the senior leadership team at Pakeman, governors are responsible for deciding on the strategic direction of the school.
The role of the Governors is to:
- Set the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
- Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of pupils and the performance of staff
- Oversee the school’s financial performance and ensure its money is well spent
This includes contributing to decisions on:
- vision and values
- staffing
- curriculum
- finance
- premises
- behaviour and standards
- equality and inclusion
- health, safety and safeguarding
- extended school
- special educational needs
- parental and community engagement
We fulfil statutory duties to ensure that the school is a safe, healthy and inclusive place.
We support and challenge the school leadership team, acting as a ‘critical friend’.
We provide links to other schools in Islington.
We each contribute our experience and expertise to drive school improvement forward.
We meet in committees and once a term as a full Governing Body.
Pakeman Primary School currently has 9 governors including:
- Pakeman Primary School currently has 9 governors including:
the chair of governors (Nahom)
the vice chair of governors (Laura)
4 co-opted governors (Harry, Amal, Ellis, Fabienne and Amanda)
1 local authority governor (currently recruiting)
2 parent/carer governors (Nazire and currently recruiting)
1 staff governor (Marcia)
- and the governing body also includes the headteacher
The Deputy Head and School Business Manager also attend Governing Body Meetings.
Parent/Carer governors play a vital role on the Governing Body and their contribution is greatly valued. If you are interested in becoming a parent/carer governor, please contact Nahom Russom, Chair of Governors, via the school office.
Organisation of Committees
The committees are organised as follows:
- Resources Committee (Finance, Premises and Staffing)
- Curriculum Committee (Standards and Curriculum)
- Pay Committee
Governors Appointed to the Resources Committee:
- Amanda Sefton, Committee Chair
- Nahom Russom
- Currently recruiting a LA governor
- Harry Cooke
- Fabienne Stewart Jones
- Emma Bonnin, Headteacher
- Gill Dukelow, SBM
Governors Appointed to the Curriculum Committee:
- Ellis Johnstone, Committee Chair
- Amal Esselmi
- Laura Popazzi
- Marcia Harris
- Nazire Bayram
- Currently recruiting a parent/carer governor
- Emma Bonnin, Headteacher
Pay Committee:
- Nahom Russom
- Amanda Sefton
- Laura Popazzi
Link Governance
We have a system of link governance in place. Where possible, governors are linked to areas of the School Improvement Plan. Current link governor arrangements are:
- Safeguarding, inclusion (SEND) and attendance: Currently recruiting LA governor
- Health and safety: Nahom Russom
- Curriculum: Laura Popazzi
- Maths: Harry Cooke
- English: Ellis Johnstone
- Early years: Amanda Sefton
- Parents/carers and school community: Amal Esselmi and Nazire Bayram
- Staffing and Wellbeing: Marcia Harris
- Assessment and data: Fabienne Stewart Jones
Contacting the governors: We welcome the views of parents/carers and are always happy to discuss any concerns or ideas you may have to improve the school. Parent/carer governors are often available in the playground before or after school (you can identify us from the noticeboard just inside the front door), or you can leave a message for us in the office.