The School Day – Start and Finish Times 

  • Breakfast club starts at 8.00am in the Lodge.
  • The playground opens at 8.45am and parents/carers are welcome to bring their children and wait with them in the playground from this time.
  • At 8.45am (Soft Start) a bell will sound and all children will be able go to their classrooms independently. Reception children and their parent/carer come in using the Reception playground entrance. Nursery & 2+ class children can be escorted by their parents/carers to the classroom door.
  • There are staff members in every class to welcome the children and start them on a range of learning activities ranging from reading, handwriting, spelling, number bonds, times tables and reviewing previous learning.
  • The school day starts promptly at 9.00am.
  • Please note that any child arriving after 9.00am must report to the school office and will be marked late.
  • The end of the school day is 3.20pm for EYFS and KS1 and 3.30pm for KS2.
  • We have a Playcentre which runs from 3.30pm until 6.00pm plus a range of after school clubs (with different individual timings)

Term dates 2024.25

Term dates 2025.26